Too much traveling, too much on my mind, too much to do and the overwhelming feeling of not being able to do enough. That is how I felt yesterday. I had just returned from a trip to Santa Fe over Thanksgiving and an art show in the gallery there where I show my work. I was saturated with art (hard to believe) so the last thing I wanted to do was go to my studio. But the need to make a dent in upcoming deadlines was looming over me.

So sometimes, you just have to show up. That is half the battle. If you never show up, the greater possibility is that nothing will happen. So I took a little trip to my studio with the intention of being there a few moments. The results, a nice little painting.
One foot in front of the other is the way we all travel the road. Some of us run, some of us trot and some of us crawl. It was a crawling day that turned into a day of trotting just by showing up.
Tomorrow is another day!